Sunday, April 13, 2014

#7 Indian Bread Rocks aka The Masonic

Back in the 30's a group of Masons based in Bowie, Arizona dug out a road to an unusual rock cropping outside of town.  They called it the Masonic picnic area. The BLM came in later and named it Indian Bread Rocks recreation area.

Over the years this little area has been home to many picnics and nature lovers - and for a couple days it is our home too. ATV trails and dispersed camping opportunities drew us to the area but we're finding so much more!

In addition to wonderful vista and fun rock climbing, nearby Fort Bowie Nat'l Historical site gave us a good 3.5 mile hike thru the mountains.

Along this trail came an unexpected encounter with a Gila Monster and a less unexpected but still exhilarating encounter with a western diamondback. 

Indian Bread Rocks also provided the ultimate spot for viewing the lunar eclipse - high elevation, no ambient light, an unobstructed view of the sky and a favorable time zone. 

The little almost ghost town of Bowie seems to have a single purpose left - to grow grapes, pistachios, olives and pecans. We bought a bit of each to support the local economy. The grapes had been fermented though, of course. 

But for the most part this area gave us peace, relaxation and that serenity that comes with a remote location and a soothing campfire.
After four great days we head southwest hoping to find a boondocking spot as great as this one. Wish us luck!


Lots of rock scrambling opportunities here...even for the pooches
 The way we like it!

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