Saturday, October 31, 2015

Road Trip 2015 - #5 Luling, Texas

September 9, 2015 - When we left Bolivar, we were looking to get somewhere close to San Antonio where we could do some exploring.  We hit up our Passport America app and found a nice little park sitting on the San Marcos river - Riverbend RV Park.  It had a horse training facility next door, but we never got up early enough to see them in action.

The idea was to visit the nearby historic town of Gonzales and the Spoetzl brewery, home of Shiner Boch.  We unloaded the scooter and went in search of adventure.  

We found it about 15 minutes later when Mother Nature decided to unleash a flood upon us.  We stopped under a motel portico dripping wet - the first time that we had been completely drenched while on the Ultra Classic.  At first the manager didn't want us to be there but eventually he brought us some nice warm towels (hoping that we'd dry off and go away I'm sure).  We were able to explore a bit of Gonzales but didn't make it to the brewery as a big black cloud hovered over the town of Shiner and we didn't expect that the motel manager wanted us to return again.  We u-turned in the middle of the highway and I bought a Shiner beer at a tavern back in Gonzales.   It's my new favorite beer!

Back at the park, we let the pups explore down at the river while David tried his hand at some fishing.  The current was quite swift!

A cool, little side treat was sitting at the entrance to the park - the oldest package liquor store in Texas - Huber Package Liquor.

After a couple of days in Luling, we decided it was a bit far to explore San Antonio from there.  For once, I had an idea of where we would go.  The Bandera Beverage Barn and RV Park, another Passport America find, had sounded enticing for a couple of weeks so we hopped over to the west side of San Antonio to check out this combination RV park and liquor store.  Hmmm...seems a trend is developing.

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